Enchanted Rose (Cocktail Bar) - Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort

Enchanted Rose (Cocktail Bar) - Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort

When I heard that Disney had opened a Beauty and the Beast inspired cocktail bar within their resort earlier this year, I knew we just had to try it out.

Entrance to the Enchanted Rose

Entrance to the Enchanted Rose

Located on the second floor of Disney’s Grand Floridian hotel, the bar is easily accessible from Magic Kingdom via the resort monorail. When exiting the park, take a right and follow the signs to the resort monorail. The Grand Floridian is stop four.

The Enchanted Rose overlooks the Seven Seas Lagoon at Disney and is separated in to several different rooms, all of which are beautifully themed taking inspiration from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. We chose the main area which features a central three sided bar. Bar seating is available (some bar seats also have plugs - just in case anyone reading this feels the need to charge their phone) although we chose a sofa overlooking the décor of Enchanted Rose and the bar. If visiting in the daylight hours, I am sure there would be a great view over the lagoon when seated by the windows. As we visited when it was already dark, it is possible to see elements of Magic Kingdom lit up over the other side.

The entrance to ‘Enchanted Rose’

The entrance to ‘Enchanted Rose’

A giant chandelier over the bar, as well as table candles set the ambience of the Enchanted Rose.

The menu’s are elegantly presented as story books and offer a wide range of cocktails as well as wines, champagnes and spirits at varying price levels.

Upon opening the menu, there are two cocktails listed at the front which are detailed as table side cocktails. One named Amour (French for Love), the other Envie (French for Envy), each has a story broken down in to their relevant ingredients and detailed within the menu.



Keen to find out more, and eager to experience the signature cocktails of the bar, we opted for one Amour and one Envie.

A trolley appears at our table a short time later and our very friendly Disney Cast Member Matt, explains the story behind each cocktail one at a time, details the ingredients, why they are chosen and then proceeds to make the cocktails for us at our table with a good amount of theatre thrown in. It was a unique experience; the cocktails were elegantly presented and very different in taste to what we would typically go for but were divine nonetheless.



Aside from the two table side beverages, the menu offers a wide array of cocktails which are different from what you would typically find at a bar. When I am at home, I typically have my favourites which I order, however I was desperate to branch out and try something different; but, with so much choice I was unsure of what to go for. Matt, our Disney Cast Member was on hand to help and after a few questions, I settled on ‘Lavender Fog’ for my next drink, whilst Matt chose ‘Long Island Rose’.

Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose

Lavender Fog is a botanical drink and you can definitely smell and taste the Lavender!

Long Island Rose is a twist on the classic Long Island Iced Tea and offers the aromas of ‘Rose Water’

Both were elegantly presented and we would happily order these drinks again.

Long Island Rose

Long Island Rose

The ‘Enchanted Rose’ does offer a snack food menu, however as we had a dinner reservation elsewhere, we only ordered drinks.

As far as bars go, this one definitely makes our list of favourites! It has a lovely ambience about it, great drinks, friendly staff and a central location.

This one’s on the list for our next Floridian vacation!

Have you been? Got any questions? Detail them in the comments below!



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