Cadbury World - Shop Only

Cadbury World - Shop Only

The race for the elusive Cadbury’s Orange Twirl

I am pretty well known for doing crazy stuff; but travelling halfway up the country just for chocolate, that is a whole new level!

For the past seven days - all I have seen on social media is the press talking about Orange Twirls, but could I find them in any stores? No… I looked everywhere. Up in London, down in Bournemouth - literally no luck. I had really bad cravings to try one - you know when you want something? Well, basically, I just needed to find them and did not want to give up until I had!

After tweeting Tesco, who confirmed that they were not stocking them, I gave Cadbury’s a call and they confirmed that the only way to get hold of them would be to go and get them from Cadbury World in Birmingham.

Game on

* Sets alarm for 4:30am *

I was staying in Bournemouth last night and Cadbury world is a little bit of a mission to get to from Bournemouth. Nevertheless, I caught the 5:30am National Express from Bournemouth to London Victoria. (Really easy to book tickets online and no need to print!) - The coach arrived in London just before 8am.


Then the Virgin Train service from Euston to Birmingham New Street. Train arrived around 9:45

Then the West Midland Service from New Street to Bournville. Arrived at around 10:06

Cadbury’s site itself is much bigger than I anticipated it to be. (I am sure I went when I was younger, but I honestly can not remember). The Cadbury World section for visitors is around a 10 - 15 minute walk from the train station, depending on how quick you walk.


Cadbury World also houses the largest Cadbury shop! Which also happens to be the only place where you can find the elusive Orange Twirls! I FOUND THEM! I was totally excited after having mega cravings all week. It is literally all my poor colleagues have heard about!

I purchased 20 - just to keep me (and a few friends) going!


Twirls are one of my favourite Cadbury creations so I had high expectations (to be fair - you would have to love something a lot to travel 12 hours (roundtrip) to get it. I gave the (new) twirl a whirl (as stated on the packaging) and it was everything I wanted it to be! As soon as I opened the wrapper, you can smell the hint of orange.


It was literally delicious - the best brand of chocolate crossed with orange - what more could you possibly want?

I really hope that they hit the shops soon - but there is no date as yet but if you get the chance to try one - you definitely should!

Now to do the journey home - exactly the same way I came - running on pure adrenaline at the moment (and an orange twirl obviously!)



Ps, I did not have time today to explore Cadbury World itself, but from what I did see of it - it looked like a great day out for the family.

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